Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Aaron Burr

In 1804, a Republican closed meeting decided not to nominate Aaron Burr as vice president for a second term. That then set Burr off he embarked on a series of ventures, one which threatened to break up the Union and another which resulted in the death of Alexander Hamilton. Burr secretly planned a federalist conspiracy to win the govenorship of New York in 1804. Burr then challenged the Federalist leader (Alexander Hamilton) and fatally shot him. Hamilton's death in 1804. By 1806, Jefferson learned of the conspiracy Burr had with the take of Mexico from Spain and unite it with Louisianna, and ordered Burr's arrest and trial for treason. The jury acquitted Burr, basing it's decision on the lack of knowledge they had on Treason by definition determined by Marshall.

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